Getting Started with Docker Containers

The Docker Containers Essentials Training Course, features the foundational theory and practices of containerization on a single Docker node.
Duration: 1 Day
Hours: 4 Hours
Training Level: All Level
Batch Eleven
Thursday, August 22, 2024
12:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Batch Twelve
Thursday, September 12, 2024
12:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Live Session
Single Attendee
$149.00 $249.00
Live Session
Single Attendee
$199.00 $332.00
6 month Access for Recorded
Single Attendee
$249.00 $416.00
6 month Access for Recorded

About Docker Containers Certification Course:

In this course, you are going to learn about Docker, the containerization platform. Here you will learn the fundamentals of Docker and various concepts associated with DevOps that are required with Docker. And you will learn everything with hands-on practical examples.

What you will learn in this course?

  • In this course, you will learn all the fundamental concepts of Docker in a pragmatic style.
  • First and foremost you'll learn how to use a docker image and
  • then how to build a custom docker image for any application using Dockerfile.
  • Then you'll explore and practice all important docker CLI commands as important skills to quality for the DCA certification.
  • After that, you'll learn how to push a docker image into the docker hub and Docker compose to manage multiple containers.
  • Docker is the crucial skill set for anyone who wants to start a new career or switch to a new company.

This course is fully based on a pragmatic approach without any kind of bogus content. A short, precise, and practical-oriented course for IT pros just like you. Don’t worry if you feel like this course is for professionals, you will find it intuitive even if you are a beginner in this domain, as we will begin with basics before jumping to advanced lessons.

What is a Docker Container?

Containers are everywhere and make a developer's life easy by packaging up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another.

What is Docker and why is it used?

Docker is an open-source platform for building, deploying, and managing containerized applications with a mission to solve the 'it works on my machine headache.

Docker Containers Certification Course Objective:

  • Learn how to create and use Docker container, docker composer, and docker hub repo and manage it the right way

Who is the Docker Containers Course Target Audience?

  • Software developers
  • Sysadmins aka System Administrators
  • IT professionals
  • Anyone looking to deploy their apps easily and quickly
  • Anyone who wants to make deployments easier and faster
  • IT Professionals involved in Software Development, Operations, or Testing
  • Computer Science Students looking to learn skills demanded in the IT Industry

What Basic Knowledge is Required to Learn Docker Containers Course?

  • Idea of system administration and Linux commands will be good (Not mandatory)
  • A Desire to learn DevOps workflow
  • No previous Docker or Kubernetes experience is required!
  • Basic knowledge of Git and GitHub

Total Duration: 4 Hours
What are containers?
How are containers different from virtual machines?
Why Docker?
Before and after the Docker
How does Docker work?
Docker Architecture
What are the different components of Docker?
What are Docker images?
How to use Docker cli?
Important Docker commands
How to run the first docker image?
How to Launch a Docker Container with an Interactive Shell?
What is container orchestration?
What is Dockerfile?
How to build a custom docker image?
How to publish a Docker image into the Docker hub?
Docker Volume
Docker network
What is Docker Compose? How to manage multiple containers?
How to back up the Docker image?